
Seldonian Algorithm

class seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract class which represents the basic functions of a Seldonian Algorithm. This class can be considered as a starting point for implementing your own Seldonian algorithm.

Read more about the Seldonian Approach in Preventing undesirable behavior of intelligent machines

abstract _safetyTest(**kwargs)

Run the safety test on the trained model from the candidate selection part i.e. the fit() function. It is also used to predict the \(g(\theta)\) value used in candidate selection.

:param kwargs Key value arguments sent to the subclass implementation of safety test. :return Depending on the implementation, it will either return 0 if it passes or 1 if it doesn’t. Or, it will also return the \(g(\theta)\) value if it does not pass the safety test. Use the safetyTest() method to get a boolean value.

abstract data()

Access the training data used by the model.


Tuple (Training data, labels)

abstract fit(**kwargs)

Abstract method that is used to train the model. Also, this is the candidate selection part of the Seldonian Algorithm.


kwargs – key value arguments sent to the fit function


abstract predict(X)

Predict the output of the model on the the input X.


X – input data to be predicted by the model.


output predictions for each sample in the input X


A wrapper for the _safetyTest method that return a Boolean indicating whether the model passed the safety test.


kwargs – Key-value arguments that is passed directly to _safetyTest.


  • True if model passed the safety test.

  • False if the model fails the safety test.

Seldonian Abstract classes

Use this as a base class to implement your own fair model using the Seldonian approach.

class seldonian.seldonian.LogisticRegressionSeldonianModel(X, y, g_hats=[], safety_data=None, test_size=0.5, verbose=True, hard_barrier=False, stratify=False, random_seed=0)

Bases: seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm

Implements a Logistic Regression classifier using scipy.optimize package as the optimizer using the Seldonian Approach for training the model. Have a look at the scipy.optimize.minimize reference for more information. You can use any of the methods listen in the method input of this SciPy function as a parameter to the fit() method call.

__init__(X, y, g_hats=[], safety_data=None, test_size=0.5, verbose=True, hard_barrier=False, stratify=False, random_seed=0)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_safetyTest(theta=None, predict=False, ub=True)

This is the mehtod that implements the safety test. for this model.

  • theta – Model parameters to be used to run the safety test. Default - None. If None, the current model parameters used.

  • predictDefault - False. Indicate whether you want to predict the upper bound of \(g(\theta)\) using the candidate set (this is used when running candidate selection).

  • ub – returns the upper bound if True. Else, it returns the calculated value. Default- True.


Returns the value \(max\{0, g(\theta) | X\}\) if predict = False , else \(max\{0, \hat{g}(\theta) | X\}\).


Access the training data used by the model.


Tuple (Training data, labels)


Abstract method that is used to train the model. Also, this is the candidate selection part of the Seldonian Algorithm.


kwargs – key value arguments sent to the fit function



Predict the output of the model on the the input X.


X – input data to be predicted by the model.


output predictions for each sample in the input X

class seldonian.seldonian.PDISSeldonianPolicyCMAES(data, states, actions, gamma, threshold=2, test_size=0.4, multiprocessing=True)

Bases: seldonian.cmaes.CMAESModel, seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm

__init__(data, states, actions, gamma, threshold=2, test_size=0.4, multiprocessing=True)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_safetyTest(theta, predict=False, ub=False, est=None)

Run the safety test on the trained model from the candidate selection part i.e. the fit() function. It is also used to predict the \(g(\theta)\) value used in candidate selection.

:param kwargs Key value arguments sent to the subclass implementation of safety test. :return Depending on the implementation, it will either return 0 if it passes or 1 if it doesn’t. Or, it will also return the \(g(\theta)\) value if it does not pass the safety test. Use the safetyTest() method to get a boolean value.


Predict the output of the model on the the input X.


X – input data to be predicted by the model.


output predictions for each sample in the input X

class seldonian.seldonian.SeldonianAlgorithmLogRegCMAES(X, y, g_hats=[], safety_data=None, verbose=False, test_size=0.35, stratify=False, hard_barrier=False, random_seed=0)

Bases: seldonian.cmaes.CMAESModel, seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm

Implements a Logistic Regression classifier with CMA-ES as the optimizer using the Seldonian Approach.

__init__(X, y, g_hats=[], safety_data=None, verbose=False, test_size=0.35, stratify=False, hard_barrier=False, random_seed=0)

Initialize the model.

  • X – Training data to be used by the model.

  • y – Training labels for the X

  • g_hats – A list of all constraint on the model.

  • safety_data – If you have a separate held out data to be used for the safety set, it should be specified here, otherwise, the data X is split according to test_size for this.

  • verbose – Print out extra log statements

  • test_size – ratio of the data X to e used for the safety set.

  • stratify – Stratify the training data when splitting to train/safety sets.

  • hard_barrier – Use a hard barrier while training the data using the BBO optimizer.

_safetyTest(theta=None, predict=False, ub=True)

Run the safety test on the trained model from the candidate selection part i.e. the fit() function. It is also used to predict the \(g(\theta)\) value used in candidate selection.

:param kwargs Key value arguments sent to the subclass implementation of safety test. :return Depending on the implementation, it will either return 0 if it passes or 1 if it doesn’t. Or, it will also return the \(g(\theta)\) value if it does not pass the safety test. Use the safetyTest() method to get a boolean value.


Access the training data used by the model.


Tuple (Training data, labels)


Predict the output of the model on the the input X.


X – input data to be predicted by the model.


output predictions for each sample in the input X

class seldonian.seldonian.SeldonianCEMPDISPolicy(data, states, actions, gamma, threshold=1.41537, test_size=0.4, verbose=False, use_ray=False)

Bases: seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm

__init__(data, states, actions, gamma, threshold=1.41537, test_size=0.4, verbose=False, use_ray=False)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_safetyTest(theta, predict=False, ub=False)

Run the safety test on the trained model from the candidate selection part i.e. the fit() function. It is also used to predict the \(g(\theta)\) value used in candidate selection.

:param kwargs Key value arguments sent to the subclass implementation of safety test. :return Depending on the implementation, it will either return 0 if it passes or 1 if it doesn’t. Or, it will also return the \(g(\theta)\) value if it does not pass the safety test. Use the safetyTest() method to get a boolean value.


Access the training data used by the model.


Tuple (Training data, labels)


Abstract method that is used to train the model. Also, this is the candidate selection part of the Seldonian Algorithm.


kwargs – key value arguments sent to the fit function



Predict the output of the model on the the input X.


X – input data to be predicted by the model.


output predictions for each sample in the input X

class seldonian.seldonian.VanillaNN(X, y, test_size=0.4, g_hats=[], verbose=False, stratify=False, epochs=10, model=None, random_seed=0)

Bases: seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm

Implement a Seldonian Algorithm on a Neural network.

__init__(X, y, test_size=0.4, g_hats=[], verbose=False, stratify=False, epochs=10, model=None, random_seed=0)

Initialize a model with g_hats constraints. This class is an example of training a non-linear model like a neural network based on the Seldonian Approach.

  • X – Input data, this also includes the safety set.

  • y – targets for the data X

  • test_size – the fraction of X to be used for the safety test

  • g_hats – a list of function callables that correspond to a constriant

  • verbose – Set this to True to get some debug messages.

  • stratify – set this to true if you want to do stratified sampling of safety set.

  • epochs – number of epochs to run teh training of the model. Default: 10

  • model – PyTorch model to use. Should be an instance of nn.Module. Defaults to a 2 layer model with a binary output.

_safetyTest(predict=False, ub=True)

Run the safety test on the trained model from the candidate selection part i.e. the fit() function. It is also used to predict the \(g(\theta)\) value used in candidate selection.

:param kwargs Key value arguments sent to the subclass implementation of safety test. :return Depending on the implementation, it will either return 0 if it passes or 1 if it doesn’t. Or, it will also return the \(g(\theta)\) value if it does not pass the safety test. Use the safetyTest() method to get a boolean value.


Access the training data used by the model.


Tuple (Training data, labels)


Abstract method that is used to train the model. Also, this is the candidate selection part of the Seldonian Algorithm.


kwargs – key value arguments sent to the fit function


predict(X, pmf=False)

Predict the output of the model on the the input X.


X – input data to be predicted by the model.


output predictions for each sample in the input X

Sample constraint functions

class seldonian.objectives.Constraint

Bases: abc.ABC

seldonian.objectives.ghat_recall_rate(A_idx, method='ttest', threshold=0.2)

Create a g_hat for the recall rate difference between :param A_idx subset versus the entire data.

  • A_idx

  • method

  • threshold – Recall rate should not be greater than this value.


method that is to be sent to the Seldonian Algorithm and is used for calculating teh g_hat

seldonian.objectives.ghat_tpr_diff(A_idx, method='ttest', threshold=0.2)

Create a \(g(\theta)\) for the true positive rate difference between A_idx subset versus the entire data.

  • A_idx – index of the sensitive attribute in the X passed to the method returned by this function.

  • method

    The method used to calculate the upper bound. Currently supported values are:

  • threshold – TPR rate should not be greater than this value.


method that is to be sent to the Seldonian Algorithm and is used for calculating the \(g(\theta)\)

seldonian.objectives.ghat_tpr_diff_t(A_idx, method='ttest', threshold=0.2)

Pytorch version of the true positive rate difference version of ghat_tpr_diff().

Create a \(g(\theta)\) for the true positive rate difference between A_idx subset versus the entire data.

  • A_idx – index of the sensitive attribute in the X passed to the method returned by this function.

  • method

    The method used to calculate the upper bound. Currently supported values are:

  • threshold – TPR rate should not be greater than this value.


method that is to be sent to the Seldonian Algorithm and is used for calculating the \(g(\theta)\)

CMA-ES optimizer implementation

class seldonian.cmaes.CMAESModel(X, y, verbose=False, random_seed=0, theta=None, maxiter=None)

Bases: abc.ABC