
The best way is get started is to quickly jump into an example: Here is a Google Colab notebook to train a simple Logistic Regression model on the UCI Adult dataset.
And here is a step-by-step tutorial.

Model class creation

Create a subclass of seldonian.algorithm.SeldonianAlgorithm class.

from seldonian.algorithm import *
class ExampleSeldonianModel(SeldonianAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self, *params, **kwargs ): 
        example_model = Model()
        #initialize all the model parameters

Now that we have a basic model setup, we need to implement the abstract method of SeldonianAlgorithm class.

  • predict - This is a basic prediction method that uses the current model parameters to predict the output targets.

from seldonian.algorithm import *
class ExampleSeldonianModel(SeldonianAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self, *params, **kwargs ): 
        self.example_model = Model()
        #initialize all the model parameters
    def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
        # prediction based on teh model
        return self.example_model.predict(X)
  • data returns the complete data and targets as a tuple back. This includes the safety as well as the candidate data.

from seldonian.algorithm import *
class ExampleSeldonianModel(SeldonianAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self, *params, **kwargs ): 
        self.example_model = Model()
        #initialize all the model parameters
    def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
        # prediction based on teh model
        return self.example_model.predict(X)
    def data(self):
        return X, y
  • fit trains the model with the constraints.

from seldonian.algorithm import *
class ExampleSeldonianModel(SeldonianAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self, *params, **kwargs ): 
        self.example_model = Model()
        #initialize all the model parameters
    def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
        # prediction based on teh model
        return self.example_model.predict(X)
    def data(self):
        return self.X, self.y
    def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # fit model based under the constraint that g >0. 

There are various examples of such constraint optimization problems implemented like the Lagrangian 2 player game as implemented in the VanillaNN class.

Or using a barrier when optimizing using a Black box optimization technique like CMA-ES or scipy.optimize.minimize class. You can find them under the seldonian.seldonian package.

  • _safetyTest performs a the safety test using the safety set, or predicts the upper bound of the constraint g(\theta) during candidate selection (or in this case, fit).

from seldonian.algorithm import *
class ExampleSeldonianModel(SeldonianAlgorithm):
    def __init__(self, *params, **kwargs ): 
        self.example_model = Model()
        #initialize all the model parameters
    def predict(self, X, **kwargs):
        # prediction based on teh model
        return self.example_model.predict(X)
    def data(self):
        return self.X, self.y
    def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # fit model based under the constraint that g >0. 
    def _safetyTest(self, predict, **kwargs):
        if predict:
            # predict the upper bound during candidate selection
            return 1 if passed_is_predicted else 0 
            # run the actual safety test
            return 1 if passed else 0


This is all you need to implement a Seldonian model. You also need some constraints that are basically function callables. Some examples of such constraints is present in the seldonian.objectives package. A sample run would look something like this -

constraints = [constraint1, constraint2,...] #list of function callables
seldonian_model = ExampleSeldonianModel(constriants, data, other_args)
X, y = data
seldonian_model.fit(X, y)
return seldonian_model if seldonian_model._safetyTest() else NSF # No solution found
# we now have a trained model you can now do your predictions on this model